Universal(which means: single verse all)Nature(which means: no you again) Language(French langage)L.A.N. Gage(La/third eye-N/crown)

LAN, local area network-gage. A gage for interpreting ones local area network, ones "reality". L'ang-U-age may say, "the angle you increase ". If we follow the pattern of adding the le to each part as we did with ang(because it was the article)we get Ule and agele. If we go phonetically we end up with Lang Wedge which could be interpreted as "the angry/angle wedded edge"

Everything(eve writhing) is nature, we came to imagine(i'm a genie)the things we create as artificial, somehow not natural, not produced by nature. That's just Arialtific, and could not be further from truth as this is the natural progression of nature, it is this way, this is how nature has evolved. Creation is an evolution of nature. Language is an revolution of the laws. And we are Nature. Typically many know language from a unilingual perspective. Taking at face value what we see and hear because most of the time people we know mean what they say and attempt to be clearly understood. We often realize we're being bombarded by a ton of information while listening and just keeping up with a progressing conversation involves a lot of energy and focus, usually so much so that taking the time to go over what was said a few times to derive extra nuances of hidden meanings from it is something we avoid doing, unless pressed to. Something similar goes on when reading, we're so adept at absorbing at our own pace that we don't figure it's necessary to "get to know" a phrase, word or sentence better, we just read once and read on.

Nature: the algorithm of physics principles behind this whole reality mechanism of space time, is the backbone of this "machine". This set of "rules" or "laws" are where the energy, shape and color, sound, taste, smell and feeling of everything determines itself in reality. Sort of like DNA determines our bodies. And that set of rules effects us, and the things we as members of nature create and produce. One of those things has been language, the language of symbols and signs seen, and sounds and vibrations heard.

For our purpose(pure/purr puss) herein, I'm writing in this language, English(French=Anglais-similar letters ngl and is), & in some places I'll bring in the French translation to illustrate a pattern link. That means our basis is 26 letters, 5 vowels(V=ow/E+L+S=Ether symbols)and 21 consonants. That is, to those of us with only English as our primary language, our universal language peg, our sort of "in-door" to the overall structure of languages truths. This mean's that because we've got this unilingual horse blinder on, we're going to miss a lot of obvious that would come from the knowledge(noll{top of the head}edge)of as many languages as possible. Because the Universal Lingo is all encompassing, everyone's speaking it, we've merely to learn how to translate it into senses interpretable consistently. This should become easier once one gets to know alphabet multiplication and grows accustomed to comparatively shuffling or slip flipping word, phrase and sentence parts.

"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech." This comes from Genesis, from the Tower of Babel story. This is sort of whats being said here. The bible is a good example of a work that has been reviewed endlessly and translated just about every which way. We'd like to think that if it isn't literally correct, that it is in essence "trying" to get "something" right. Be that an explanation of how, to a degree, all this came to be, or later, natures guide to proper behaviour. Language can be viewed the same way. A is the beginning, Z is the ending, A sentences first word is the beginning or the root, and then the words are counted to be seen by their numerical position adding relativity to them. We relate all of this down to the chakras combined with four elements though to simplify, since those are in our body. So A is our root, Earth, Z is our throat, Ether in Air. You'll see more in the following chart.

For years I had issues with communication, with interpersonal to be precise, heck even now. I couldn't figure out what to talk about, or why people talked about the things they did. It all seemed so boring and tame like there was no real purpose to it other than to fill in time or achieve a goal. I couldn't see much fun to language and I certainly never saw anything hidden in it. The word Hello was just Hello to me, it never could have signified Hell Owe. Or "hello there" for example as hell oath heir. I'd never really turned a word or phrase around and around internally to see if it could be found saying multiple things, like homophones(Example Flower and flour), to determine if I didn't really know it in depth, to see if I had been using it, when perhaps I shouldn't have been. As in the case of Hello. I don't want to greet my religious mother with a "hell-owe" or a see ya to more owe or tomb moor oh. Since then I've grown, I've had some experiences and they've made me aware of the fact that our language is more than it seems, even when it's just English. I've found many things that appeared to be saying one thing were also saying another. And that second thing made sense. Mostly because I created the 7/4 Table to pattern the alphabet on. I'm thankful for my training in French language because English uses a lot of borrowed word roots from it and I've been able to derive some things easier. Not all instances of translation turn out to have religious significance, I just wanted to provide two of the most commonly used elicitations to enlighten the homophone concept. See normally a homophone is word to word, whirred too, whirred,. It works on phrases and full sentences too but it helps if you know words roots so you can use them as full words. Like un- means de- "un-do/de-construct" So I could say, un yourself, de off. and you'd interpret it as "go away", or possibly the opposite, "come here". It would depend on your angle of interpretation,the pegs which shape your view.

Word roots are a starting point for any intermediate to this information. Prefix-, -Whole word- and -Suffix. That's to say that if it's not an affixless whole word(the word "or" for example), then it's in part defined by the additional affixes making up it's structure. But because whole words come in such small sizes, we find them as "parts" of other whole words too, making those instances of whole words into new age affixes. See the word "word" has -or- in it, -ord as suffix and wor- as prefix, even though its a whole word. Another way we can go with this it to look for anagrams that collate or antigrams which oppose the meaning of the word.