Welcome to Canadian Arcadian index,
This directory of Companies: Neocities subdomain.
Canadian Arcadian is a Game Company Directory,
a man edited Video Game Publishers List,
Canadian Arcadian is any gamers resource,
a Video Gamers Industry Businesses Guide.
Navigation is simple, either search from the contents page by name or
click through to any alphabetical page and read through the listings.
This is a directory for discovering old and new games by looking for companies.
Last Updated July 14th , ~this ticker lists most recent changes in the directory~
~minor edits to the index page .OLDER~ holy fire games - makers of Forsaken Legends, ncsoft - makers of Guild Wars 2 ~ bohemia interactive - makers of Arma3 ~ 3g studios inc - makers of Skate or Die, xpec entertainment - makers of final fantasy XV pocket edition ~ ctrl-alt-ninja - makers of Druidstone ~ pixelberry studios - makers of Hollywood U, nexon co ltd - makers of Closers ~ visual concepts - makers of sports games ~ behaviour interactive inc - makers of Star Citizen, trion worlds - makers of Atlas Reactor
~ city state entertainment -
makers of Camelot: Unchained( 7/18 BETA), w3 studios - makers of Abatron( in BETA)
~ neojac entertainment - makers of Arcfall( in ALPHA)
~ daybreak game co llc - makers of LOTR Online, 343 industries - makers of Halo 4, turn 10 studios - makers of Forza Motorsport 7, en masse ent. inc. - makers of Closers & Tera
~ Hello Games - makers of No Man's Sky
~ Zenimax - makers of the Elder Scrolls Online, Zipper Interactive - makers of Mech Warrior 3,
Zombie Studios - makers of Daylight, Zootfly - makers of Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death,
Zylom - makers of casual games, Zynga - makers of Farmville
~ social point - makers of Dragon City, fenix fire - makers of oosiris: New Dawn, unknown worlds ent - makers of Subnautica, hinterland studios - makers of The Long Dark, Egosoft gmbh - makers of the X series, crowd control productions( CCP hr) - makers of Eve Online
looking for multiplayer games, see: mmo games list of betas
E3 took place June 12-14, 2018, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
related: game related companies, console games, arcade games, console gaming, arcade gaming, pc games, pc gamers, pc game makers, console game makers relevant: manufacturers list, studios directory, publishers selection, published titles, distributed games, simulation, virtual reality, game development, canadian arcadian ~ sitemap ~ Video Game Company Directory ~
~ Canadian Arcadian ~ S.U.Ds. - Earthyspirit -
This is a Advertiser free site that's created just for the challenge of it.
Most of the data about game companies is gleaned from Wikipedia,
with all the non company name wiki-links removed for topic control.
Wherever possible I link to Wikipedia in company data paragraphs,
we heart Wikipedia. |